
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Being Queer in Germany with Meg
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Season 4, Episode 18. Meg is a love expat - she moved to Freiburg, Germany from South Carolina, USA to be with her German then-girlfriend, now-wife. From the southern US to southern Germany, she shares what it's been like for her being queer.
What kinds of encounters has she had because of her queer identity? Can she and wife hold hands and kiss in public? What is the queer community like in Germany in comparison to the US? What's the deal with Christopher Street Day?
We get into all that, plus queer history, minority solidarity, and media portrayals of LGBTQ+ people.
City Starlings' list of "10 podcasts you should be listening to if you are an expat in Germany"
Leslie Jordan on Instagram @thelesliejordan
The documentary Disclosure
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Getting Cancer in Germany with Natalie
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Season 4, Episode 17. Germany was supposed to be a temporary stop on a longer journey of living abroad for Natalie, from the UK, and her husband Conrad, from Germany. Then, months before their wedding, weeks before her birthday, and days before Christmas, Natalie got diagnosed with cancer.
The cancer diagnosis changed her life dramatically, immediately, and, in some ways, permanently. Natalie went through various operations, treatments, and therapies - and she did it all in German, a language she was still in the process of learning.
The good news: she recovered from the first round of cancer, even despite a month-long detour in quarantine where she almost died. The bad news: the cancer came back, just months later.
Natalie shares with us what it was like to go through intense and intensely traumatic medical experiences as a foreigner in Germany, and why it lead to her embrace a long-term future in Germany.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Travel Germany: Stuttgart with Stefanie
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Season 4, Episode 16. In the Travel Germany series, different places across Germany are featured in interviews with expats who relocated there.
In this episode, Stefanie from the episode Austria v Germany is back to tell us all about her new home city.
Not only is Stuttgart the capital of Baden-Württemberg; it also is the center of Schwabian culture, responsible for such beloved things like Käsespätzle and Maultaschen.
For all of her great travel ideas, read on here.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Solo Female Travel with Zoe
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Season 4, Episode 15. Nicole recently discovered solo travel, and she chats about it with Zoe, a seasoned solo traveler who has done longer trips across Europe, South America, and southeast Asia all by herself. They discuss the benefits of traveling alone, but they also acknowledge the challenges, and they share their tips for things like loneliness and safety, especially as young female travelers.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Saturday Jul 04, 2020
America On Fire
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
BONUS CONTENT. After the George Floyd protests, the Carl Schurz Haus in Freiburg hosted an online panel discussion with five Americans living in Germany about the state of America and their experiences with racism. It was moderated by Nicole, the host of The Expat Cast.
The audio version of the panel is being re-broadcast here on The Expat Cast on the 4th of July intentionally. As panelist Jorrell put it, "This stuff happened. And it's okay - you can still think America is great now, but you have to come to terms with the fact that these horrible things happened." So let's acknowledge them.
For more about the event and to find the resources mentioned in the panel, click here.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Divorce as an Expat Living Abroad with Katia
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Season 4, Episode 14. Getting divorced abroad is complicated and challenging in just about every imaginable way, and Katia Vlachos is here to talk to us about it all.
Katia, a longtime expat, got divorced from her Austrian husband in Switzerland. She shares what she learned through the challenging process.
For more about Katia's experience and the resources she mentioned, head over to the blog.
Visit her website
Read her book, A Great Move
Check out her coaching services
On Facebook @KatiaVlachosCoach
On Twitter @vlachosk
On Instagram @vlachosk
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Travel Germany: Görlitz with Tessa and Lauren
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Season 4, Episode 13. In the Travel Germany series, different places across Germany are featured in interviews with expats who relocated there.
Tessa and Lauren are two Americans who both moved to Görlitz, a small city where you can stroll on over a bridge and find yourself in Poland. Görlitz is small but mighty, because it's actually the largest city in Germany to not be bombed in World War 2. It's full of charm, history, architecture, and local culture, and it's captured the hearts of many a Hollywood director - so many movies have been filmed in Görlitz, it's gotten the nickname Görliwood.
For all the amazing ideas shared in this episode, click here.
Visit her webite, tessa-approves.com
On Twitter @TessaApproves
Check out her project, DiscoverGoerlitz.com
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Talking about Racism with White Expat Podcasters in Germany with Shaun
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Season 4, Episode 12. Nicole and Shaun are two white expat podcasters who live in Germany. Nicole is from the US, and Shaun is from South Africa.
In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, the two come together to share their reactions and actions about racism, as white people, as podcasters, as expats in Germany, and as people from countries with significant racially unjust histories.
For a list of resources mentioned in this episode, head over here.
On his website
On Instagram @the.germany.experience
Listen to his podcast, The Germany Experience
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
The Relocation Industry with Sheanne
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Season 4, Episode 11. For DIY expats like your host, Nicole, the world of the relocatoin industry is truly magical. For expats who move for jobs, this topic might be more familiar.
Sheanne works in the relocation industry, and she gives insider information on how to maximize your relocation package.
On her website
On Instagram @MigrantMamaAU
Listen to her podcast, Migrant Mama in Australia
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Podcast Blackout
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
There is no new episode of The Expat Cast this week. As an American living abroad, I cannot stand beside my fellow Americans in protest of police violence and racism in the United States. But that's no excuse to do nothing.
I'm donating my Coronavirus stimulus money to various organizations that work to end racial discrimination and support black communities.
I'm committing time to continuing to educate myself on racism and to listen to people of color.
I'm engaging in conversations about white privilege and unconscious bias and systemic racism and more.
I'm asking you to take the time you would have used to listen to The Expat Cast and instead do something proactive against racism. Here's a nice round-up of resources for you to start or continue your own anti-racist work.
Thank you to the podcast Cult 45 for starting Podcast Blackout.

Thursday May 28, 2020
To Move or Not To Move: The Expat During a Pandemic Question with Emily
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Season 4, Episode 10. When your extended family is split between two countries on two different continents, deciding where to root your own family is not easy. Throw in the complications brought to us by the Covid-19/Coronavirus pandemic, and the decision becomes nearly impossible to make.
Our guest today, Emily, has a family split between the US and Germany. Emily, her husband, their young daughter, and their pets are based in the States now, but have considered a move to Germany several times. How has the pandemic impacted their ideas, plans, and dreams? How does Emily prioritize choosing a location based on family proximity, on cultural connections, or on socioeconomic situations?
Referenced in this episode: Second Cheapest Wine skit from College Humor
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday May 21, 2020
Travel Germany: Freiburg with Jibran
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Season 4, Episode 9. In the Travel Germany series, different places across Germany are featured in interviews with expats who relocated there.
To kick it off, we're featuring the home of The Expat Cast: Freiburg. Located in southwest Germany on the edge of the Black Forest, 30 minutes from the Alsace in France and from Switzerland, this corner of the world is full of culture, food, wine, and seemingly endless nature to enjoy.
Get a full list of our recommendations here.
On YouTube @DesiInWonderland
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday May 14, 2020
When Expat Life Doesn't Work Out with Brandi
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Season 4, Episode 8. Brandi decided to move on from her life in California. She sold most of her things, packed up her cat, and moved to Germany in the heat of summer. It was a one-way-ticket kind of move, an open-ended relocation. She'd start with German courses and go from there.
Nine months later, Brandi was back in the States. Life in Germany had become a struggle beyond what was acceptable.
Brandi is here to share with us how she came to recognize that her expat journey wasn't the story she was hoping for. Her experience was one of too many apartments, of suitcases scattered across a country, of half-job offers and no moment where everything fell into place. Things weren't working out, and her location became more and more vital as a global pandemic began to spread. As life took her in a direction that put expat life on hold, Brandi shares how she made peace with the events via recasting the story of her life in a new lens.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday May 07, 2020
Cross-Cultural Creative Clarity with Ariane
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
Season 4, Episode 7. Ariane left Munich, Germany for Canada when she was a teenager, not realizing it would be a 30-year stay that would change her forever. Now back in Germany with her Canadian-German family, Ariane is a life coach specializing in cross-cultural creative clarity.
Creativity doesn't just have to reference pursuit of an artistic project. Creativity can also be found in how we live our lives - and expats know that well. Because the experience of living in a new country is so far outside the norm, expats have to use their creativity to forge a life that works for them. Ariane discusses how we can locate and own that creativity to live courageously.
The Germany Experience episode "The top 10 grossing German movies"
The Expat Cast episode "The Introverted Expat"
On her website
On Instagram @der_ariane_faden
On LinkedIn under Ariane A. A. Schuessler
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Becoming Bilingual with Casey
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Season 4, Episode 6. Nicole and Casey share their highs and lows of language learning. Both gals are Americans who grew up monolingual and scoffed at their attempts to learn a language in high school or college, but moving abroad gave them the motivation to learn German, for real this time. They share their frustrations, freak-outs, failures, and even the occasional success.
Highlights include Nicole inquiring how much it would cost to get her apartment petted, Casey exclaiming her excitement to go to the park to see the - er, male genitalia - and both of them delighting in the German language's descriptive naming tendencies (we're looking at you, River Horse).
If you're interested in tips for learning German, listen to the episode Learning German with Jenny.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Creating Home with Julia
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Season 4, Episode 5. Expat & life coach Julia inspired me with her blog post, "How to feel at home while you're abroad." Although "home" can seem like it's something that just exists, separate from us, home is actually a feeling created actively by an individual.
But how?
Julia and I map out various strategies that have worked for us to make us feel at home, no matter where we are in the world.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Community from a Distance with Aspen from AspenAbroad
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Season 4, Episode 4. Coronavirus is a global pandemic that's got many of us trapped at home. Aspen and I team up to bring you a podcast/YouTube cross-over to help you find the good in this bad situation. Our status as expats in Germany has given us plenty of practice at maintaining relationships and creating a sense of community from afar, and we share our favorite tricks to feeling connected despite the distance.
Check out the video of this collaboration on Aspen's YouTube channel here.
Read the blog post to find out more here.
On YouTube at AspenAbroad
On Instagram @Aspen.Abroad
Our last episode together called Moving Abroad or Running Away?
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Counseling for Cross-Cultural Relationships with Katie
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Season 4, Episode 3. Being in a cross-cultural relationship comes with many strengths and many challenges, especially if one partner moved to a new country and learned a new language to make the relationship work. This week's guest has lots of experience with that, both personally and professionally.
Katie Rössler is an expat couple's counselor. Working with couples in person and online, through sessions as well as online courses and guides, Katie helps her clients navigate the tricky waters of miscommunications, conflicting expectations, and more.
We discuss common isuses in relationships involving two or more cultures, and we also get into how couples and families can use the lock-down during Coronavirus to their advantage. Katie helps us reframe the situation as an opportunity and offers concrete ideas on how to succeed during quarantine.
This episode is a nice complement to the episode Intercultural Relationships.
For more resources, check out this blog post.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
The Introverted Expat with Austyn from Expat Hour
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Season 4, Episode 2. We dive into the topic of introversion with fellow introvert, fellow American living in Europe, and fellow podcaster Austyn from Expat Hour.
Although Austyn and Nicole fall on different places on the extrovert/introvert spectrum, we share a love for nights in, the fulfillment of reading a book or watching TV alone, and the joy of missing out, aka JOMO, on social events. We reflect on whether these introverted qualities make expat life easier or harder.
The book "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking"
The Expat Cast episode, "Extroverted Entrepreneurial American Expat"
On her podcast @ExpatHour
On Instagram @expathour
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
American Football in Germany with Nick from NALF
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Season 4, Episode 1. We're back with season 4! And we're kicking it off by diving into the delightful world of American football in Germany.
Did you know that American football is played in Germany?
I didn't, and neither did today's guest, Nick Alfieri, until he got recruited by the Schwäbisch Hall Unicorns. Yes, you read that right, they're called the Unicorns. Yes, it's impossible to say that without smiling.
Nick's from Oregon, and he jumped at the chance to continue his football career after his college football career ended. He brought his other passion with him: film-making. In addition to playing for the Unicorns, Nick documents his experiences on his YouTube channel, and he's even made a documentary about American football in Germany.
Now, he's on The Expat Cast to tell us all about his experience as a Unicorn abroad.
Listen to the This American Life episode "The Show of Delights"
Check out the blog post about this episode.
On YouTube @NALF
On Instagram @nalfamale
Watch his video "Is it better to be in Germany or the USA right now?"
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
This is a rebroadcast of an episode of "The Germany Experience," hosted by Shaun near Nuremberg. I call in from Freiburg to chat with Shaun and Steph Fuccio in Berlin of Geopats about our experiences with the COVID-19 outbreak in Germany.
Find The Germany Experience here, and on Instagram and Twitter.
Discuss your opinions on this episode in the The Germany Experience Facebook group!
Find Steph here, on Instagram and on Twitter.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Whatcha Up To?
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Season 3, Episode 25. It's the season 3 finale!!!
Thanks to everyone who has made this season of The Expat Cast a smashing success. To celebrate the season wrapping up, I've invited guests from the last 3 seasons to give us an update on where they are now, how things have changed since they last were on the podcast, and what decisions they've been making lately about their expat life.
We'll be back with season 4 at some point in the near(ish) future! Bis dann!
1. James, from LiveWorkGermany, was on the episode "A Plethora of Resources for Living in Germany"
2. Sixtina, from Six Miles Away, was on the episode "From Pils to Pints to Passport Stamps"
3. Aurora was on the episode "Choosing to Move Back"
4. Riana, from Teaspoon of Adventure, was on the episode "Preparing to Move Abroad"
5. Meg was on the episode "Long-Distance Relationships"
6. Samar was on the episode "The First Few Months"
7. Gyo, from Gyo Monreal, was on the episode "Celebrate Every Little Win"
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Getting Married in Germany with Natalie
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Season 3, Episode 24. Natalie left her home country of the UK and was backpacking in Australia when a handsome German man caught her eye in a hostel. Cue a whirlwind year of traveling together throughout Australia and Asia before moving together to Freiburg, Germany.
When the two got engaged, Natalie had plenty of big dreams for how she wanted her wedding. But quickly, it became apparent that putting on her dream English wedding in Germany wasn't going to so easy. On top of that, a surprise cancer diagnoses landed Natalie in chemo around the time of the wedding, leading to additional complications, both logistically and emotionally.
Natalie is a force of nature, though, and she didn't let any of this keep her from putting on a unique wedding that had her fingerprints all over it. We discuss how she settled on her wedding venue in the Black Forest, the challenge of finding a wedding videographer, and the different wedding formats offered in Germany.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Translating German Genealogical Documents with Katie
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Season 3, Episode 23. After I had Katie on as a guest for the episode called Intercultural Relationships, I knew I had to have her on again to talk about her day job. Katie spends her days deciphering and translating old German handwriting from different genealogical documents.
Individuals researching their German ancestry - or individuals who just stumble across their great-great-grandma's diary - come to Katie to bring these original documents back to life. With her fluency in German, her knowledge of old German terms, and her specialization in reading the old handwriting, Katie's job lets her dive into the colorful personal histories of people who lived years, decades, and even centuries ago.
In the episode, Katie and I geek out about two TV shows: Outlander (available on Netflix) and Finding Your Roots (from PBS).
Online at SK Translations
Take her course on German handwriting
Read her book, Tips and Tricks of Deciphering German Handwriting
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jan 09, 2020
American Pride with Zoe
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Season 3, Episode 22. There are an estimated 9 million Americans living abroad. If you asked each one of them how they feel about being American, you'd probably get 9 million unique answers. While we can't ask every single person how they feel, we can - and have! - asked two, and this week, we talk to Zoe, a native Philadelphian who returned to the city after various experiences living and traveling abroad.
After her second year abroad in France, Zoe decided to move back to the US - not just temporarily, but permanently. She comes on the show to explain how confronting opinions about American culture around the globe made her more proud to be an American.
This is the second part in a two-part series about American expats reflecting on their American identity. Last week, we talked about American Shame with Gabe.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Jan 02, 2020
American Shame with Gabe
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Season 3, Episode 21. There are an estimated 9 million Americans living abroad. If you asked each one of them how they feel about being American, you'd probably get 9 million unique answers. While we can't ask every single person how they feel, we can - and have! - asked two, and this week, we talk to Gabe, a native South Carolinian living in Amsterdam.
Gabe feels a deep sense of shame about being an American. Since moving to Europe, he's become disillusioned about numerous aspects of American history, culture, and identity. Gabe shares with us what his journey of moving abroad was like, and how he got to this place of shame about his heritage.
Next week, we'll hear someone who feels the exact opposite in an episode called American Pride.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
FEGEPADFO. Is that another one of those famous, long, confusing German words?
It's short for the First Ever Germany Expat Podcasters Advent Donation Face Off.
The Expat Cast is competing against The Germany Experience to see who can get more donations to their charity of choice over this Advent season. You can participate by donating to either one of their charities - or both!
The Expat Cast's charity of choice: Women's Worth Inc
Expat Life Germany's charity of Choice: Lebenshilfe
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Dec 26, 2019
Christmas in Germany v. Christmas in America with Christin
Thursday Dec 26, 2019
Thursday Dec 26, 2019
Season 3, Episode 20. Nicole grew up in the US and moved to Germany in her mid-20s, and Christin grew up in Germany and moved to the US in her mid-20s. They both pull from their childhood as well as their years in their new home countries to swap stories about how the holidays are in both countries.
Do you know about the Christmas Pickle? Have you ever accidentally set an advent wreath on fire? When you think about a nice hot, alcoholic beverage, do you think about eggnog or about Gluehwein? We discuss and giggle about all this and more!
On Instagram @thisgermanamericanlife
Her bread company's Instagram @littlebreadfactory
Her bread company's website littlebreadfactory.com
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
4. Advent: #FEGEPADFO Update
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
FEGEPADFO. Is that another one of those famous, long, confusing German words?
It's short for the First Ever Germany Expat Podcasters Advent Donation Face Off.
The Expat Cast is competing against The Germany Experience to see who can get more donations to their charity of choice over this Advent season. You can participate by donating to either one of their charities - or both!
The Expat Cast's charity of choice: Women's Worth Inc
Expat Life Germany's charity of Choice: Lebenshilfe
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Dec 19, 2019
The Beauty of Community with Berly - Rebroadcast
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Season 3, Episode 19. This is a rebroadcast from March 2019. It’s being re-released in honor of FEGEPADFO, or the First Ever Germany Expat Podcasters Advent Donation Face Off. The guest on the episode is Berly, one of the founders of Women’s Worth Inc., which is my charity of choice for FEGEPADFO.
Listen to hear how Berly’s came to the idea to found Women’s Worth, as well as stories of who the people are that this charity helps. I hope that after listening, you’ll be inspired to take a couple minutes to donate to Women’s Worth in celebration of FEGEPADFO. They are an incredible organization that give such vital help to local communities in Nicaragua.
Donations are accepted in US Dollars via Pay Pal, so it’s super easy to donate, no matter where you are in the world or what currency you use.
Women's Worth, Inc.'s website
Facebook @womensworthinc
Instagram @womensworthinc
YouTube @womensworthinc
Twitter @womensworthinc
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Sunday Dec 15, 2019
3 Advent: #FEGEPADFO Update
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
FEGEPADFO. Is that another one of those famous, long, confusing German words?
It's short for the First Ever Germany Expat Podcasters Advent Donation Face Off.
The Expat Cast is competing against The Germany Experience to see who can get more donations to their charity of choice over this Advent season. You can participate by donating to either one of their charities - or both!
The Expat Cast's charity of choice: Women's Worth Inc
Expat Life Germany's charity of Choice: Lebenshilfe
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Apprenticeships in Germany with Shanon and Michael
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Season 3, Episode 18. Germany is famous around the globe for their apprenticeship program, or Ausbildung. Did you know that foreigners are also eligible to do an apprenticeship in Germany?
We talk to two Americans doing apprenticeships in Germany, one in beer brewing and the other in pottery. The best part? During the whole three-year program, they get a salary! It’s not much, but it’s livable!
They explain to us how they got their positions, what it’s like doing an apprenticeship as foreigners in their late 20s, and what opportunities will be available to them upon completing their programs.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Sunday Dec 08, 2019
2 Advent: #FEGEPADFO Update
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
FEGEPADFO. Is that another one of those famous, long, confusing German words?
It's short for the First Ever Germany Expat Podcasters Advent Donation Face Off.
The Expat Cast is competing against The Germany Experience to see who can get more donations to their charity of choice over this Advent season. You can participate by donating to either one of their charities - or both!
The Expat Cast's charity of choice: Women's Worth Inc
Expat Life Germany's charity of Choice: Lebenshilfe
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Austria v. Germany with Stefanie
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Season 3, Episode 17. Austria and Germany have a sensitive relationship. Picture a sibling rivalry, but with countries and cultures that have coexisted in varying states of war and peace for centuries.
Today's guest, Stefanie, grew up in Austria and, against all odds and cultural norms, married a German. *pause for gasps* The two live in Stuttgart, Germany, where Stefanie is experiencing a strange expatriation process after living in the UK for 16 years.
Stefanie delights us with a chat that manages to be both laugh-out-loud hilarious and thought-provoking. Highlights include us bonding over our love for the World's Largest Pig Museum and the perspective Stefanie's family's history gives her as a tour guide at a World War II museum in Stuttgart.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Sunday Dec 01, 2019
1 Advent: Announcing FEGEPADFO
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
FEGEPADFO. Is that another one of those famous, long, confusing German words?
It's short for the First Ever Germany Expat Podcasters Advent Donation Face Off.
The Expat Cast is competing against The Germany Experience to see who can get more donations to their charity of choice over this Advent season. You can participate by donating to either one of their charities - or both!
The Expat Cast's charity of choice: Women's Worth Inc
Expat Life Germany's charity of Choice: Lebenshilfe
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Filing US Taxes as an American Expat with Nathalie from MyExpatTaxes
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Season 3, Episode 16. Happy Thanksgiving!
Here at The Expat Cast, we're thankful for taxes. Or at least the services & programs that taxes provide. And we're thankful for people like Nathalie Goldstein, who founded MyExpatTaxes, a company whose software makes filing your US expat taxes fun and cute.
"Fun" and "cute" and "taxes" all in one sentence? Hold your gasps! With the MyExpatTaxes software, it's actually totally true.
Nathalie tells us about starting MyExpatTaxes and shares TONS of information that can help you avoid common tax filing mistakes among US expats.
For all the tips and resources mentioned, click here.
Use the promo code EXPATCAST at check out to save 10% on your filing!
On their website
Instagram @myexpattaxes
Facebook @myexpattaxes
Twitter @myexpattaxes
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Expat Loneliness with Gabriela
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Season 3, Episode 15. The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting colder, and we're all getting lonelier.
The normal November blues are made that much more challenging when you're facing them in a foreign country. But fret not! You're not alone, even if you are lonely. Every expat has experienced a season of loneliness, and, dare I say, we'll all face them again at some point.
This week's guest is fellow expat and life coach Gabriela Encina, who brings us stories from her own life as well as the experiences of her clients. Gabriela talks us through some of the tips that have helped her and her clients as they navigate expat loneliness and strive to feel more connected in their new home country.
Click here to read her tips.
On her website
Instagram @gabriela.expat.coach
Facebook @psgabrielaencina
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Intercultural Relationships with Katie
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Season 3, Episode 14. "You're always going to have one set of parents or family who is sad because they're missing their son or daughter."
Katie, an American, is married to an Austrian. Their relationship has been colored by what language they communicate in and where they live - in the US, in Austria, and now as digital nomads. Although sometimes it is as magical as taking twirling in the Austrian Alps, singing songs from The Sound of Music, there are numerous challenges that come up when you are in an intercultural relationship.
Katie comes on the podcast to talk about all the messy challenges that are inevitable for relationships like hers. But it isn't all heavy! We also giggle about how wearing house shoes, as is common in Austria, really throws a wrench in your outfit choices, and Katie tells us the wild story of how her and her husband met, which is honestly the kind of story that makes me want to believe in fate.
If you like this topic, check out our Valentine's Day 2019 episode about Long-Distance Relationships
You can hear more about Katie's job as a translator for German genealogical documents here.
On her website
On Instagram @ACultureAPiece
On Facebook @ACultureAPiece
On Twitter @ACultureAPiece
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Imposter Syndrome as an Expat with Melissa
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Season 3, Episode 13. You know it's going to be a good episode if it references Brene Brown AND Maya Angelou! This week, we're diving into the nitty gritty of imposter syndrome, or the deep feeling and/or fear of being a fraud. Maybe you've heard of it before, maybe you've admitted to feeling it before, but MAN does expat life intensify the experience of imposter syndrome!
Melissa, aka Intentional Expat, lived in Spain and the Netherlands for a decade before moving back to her home state, Washington in the US. Melissa has a PHD in Clinical and Health Psychology, which she uses in her work as an expat life coach - making her the perfect guest for this topic. Melissa shares with us the 5 types of imposter syndrome, how to identify it in your life, and what to do to succeed in your expat life despite feeling this way.
For resources and more, check out the blog.
On her website
On Instagram @IntentionalExpat
On the Expat Hour podcast
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Oct 31, 2019
My Favorite Freiburg Murder with Megan
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Season 3, Episode 12. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
What better way to celebrate Halloween abroad than by discussing true murder cases that happened in the town where you live? Inspired by the famous & well-loved true crime podcast, My Favorite Murder, your host Nicole and her guest Megan picked out two suspenseful cases that tie into their new home of Freiburg, Germany.
First up, Megan (who loves murder!) tells us the story of The Woman Without a Face. Then Nicole tells us the story of the Frauenmörder, aka the Woman Murderer, aka the Beast of the Black Forest.
To learn more about both cases, check out the blog post.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Taxes for Expats in Germany with Agnese from Wundertax
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Season 3, Episode 11. After using and loving the WunderTax tool for expats in Germany to file German taxes, Nicole was so impressed that she invited them on the show. Fellow expat in Germany, Agnese, works with WunderTax, and she tell us everything we need to know to file our taxes on time, accurately, and painlessly.
The episode focuses on general insights into filing taxes in Germany. For more about filing taxes in Germany, check out this blog post.
On their website
Their expat-specific page
On Facebook @GermanTaxes
On Instagram @GermanTaxes.de
On YouTube @Wundertax
On LinkedIn @wundertax-gmbh
On Xing @WunderTax
Find out who is obligated to file taxes in Germany
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Snacks & Toilets with Trash Jenny
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Season 3, Episode 10. It's the episode no one wanted, that no one needed - yet here it is! It's Snacks & Toilets!
In the first half of the episode, we discuss snacks - the snacks we love and hate in Germany, and the snacks we miss most from home.
Then comes part two: toilets. Have you encountered the elusive German toilet phenomenon, the poop shelf? We dish out the pros and cons of the strange design, then we give some well-deserved hate to our home country, USA, for having public bathroom doors that have cracks large enough to see people through.
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Living Abroad in Your 20s with Olivia
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Season 3, Episode 9. Moving abroad throws so many things into question - your sense of home, your relationships, your career, your comfort zone. In fact, all of these things are also typically thrown into question during another life period: your 20s.
Olivia is 26. She is half-Irish, half-Austrian and has lived in Australia and Sweden. Suffice it to say, she's had her fair share of opportunities to ask these tough questions! In our conversation, we discuss what it was like growing up split between two countries and cultures, family relations as an expat, and the push and pull between settling down and exploring.
On her podcast at Quarter Life Living
On Instagram @QuarterLifeLivingPodcast
Via her business, Say It Right
On LinkedIn @OliviaScheibelreiter
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Oct 03, 2019
The Expat Cast Live at the Carl Schurz Haus with James
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Season 3, Episode 8. Look out - a wild podcast has escaped the cage of the basement studio and emerged into the real world! The Expat Cast went LIVE!
In honor of International Podcast Day, we hosted an event at the Carl Schurz Haus, the German-American center in Freiburg. Following a quick crash course on podcasting, the audience enjoyed a panel discussion between The Expat Cast and local Freiburg podcast Jung & Freudlos about all things podcasting - how we make our shows, why we make the shows, for whom we make the shows, and who we are as hosts versus as normal people. Though that part wasn't recorded, take my word: it was a blast.
Following a quick popcorn break, the audience reassembled for a live recording of The Expat Cast! We chatted with James from the Freiburg craft beer company Braukollektiv about why and how his family of four moved to Freiburg, and what it's like starting a small business in Germany. That episode is presented to you this week exactly as it was recorded - no editing, no tweaking, just raw.
Hope you enjoy this glimpse into our podcasting process, and hope you all had a great International Podcast Day!
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
My Expat Story with Your Host, Nicole
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Season 3, Episode 7. It's time to get to know your host! This episode, there's no guest - just me, Nicole, the lady behind the podcast. I tell my expat story, from my first experience abroad to today. I discuss how I left my heart in Italy, my long-distance relationship, my career as a librarian, and how I made the move to Germany in terms of career, visa, and cultural adjustment.
Prepping for a Job Hunt in Germany
Information about Bundesfreiwilligendienst
Adam Fletcher writes hilarious and helpful books about being a foreigner in Germany
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Raising a Son with Special Needs in Germany with Shaun of Expat Life Germany
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Season 3, Episode 6. Today, the expats in Germany podcast worlds collide - because Shaun from The Germany Experience is a guest on The Expat Cast!
Shaun moved to Germany from South Africa years ago with his wife, in search of adventure and new experiences. They now have German citizenship and are raising two - soon to be three! - kiddos in their rural German village.
Their oldest son has a special need called SYNGAP-1, and Shaun shares with us how they've navigated the situation as foreigners and second-language German speakers. From doctor's visits to learning what resources are out there for kids like their son, it's been a whirlwind that's left them more in love with life in Germany than ever.
Online at thegermanyexperience.de
On Instagram @the.germany.experience
On Twitter @GermanyXP
More information on what his son has here
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Moving Abroad with Teenagers with Linda
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Season 3, Episode 5. Linda Kerr grew up as a Third Culture Kid and is now a "trailing spouse" or expat partner. That means she's experienced living abroad during various stages of life - but now, she's doing something totally new. She is living abroad in Germany with her husband and their two teenagers.
Linda explains how she's made moving to Europe work with a 14-year-old and a 15-year-old. Although it's not always easy, Linda's family has embraced their 3-year stay in Germany as a chance to make history come to life by visiting the cities that their kids are learning about in history class.
On her blog Travel Teening
On Instagram @travelteening
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Sep 05, 2019
International Schools with Lauren
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Season 3, Episode 4. "For us, the number 1 priority was that they would thrive academically, that they would thrive socially, and that this experience would build them up, not suppress them and make them feel like introverts just because they're outsiders."
When Lauren moved from the Jersey Shore in New Jersey, USA to Barcelona, Spain with her husband and three small children, she did her research and decided that international school was the right choice for her kids' schooling. She explains to me what that means, what varieties there are within international schools, and what it's like to be a part of one. We also bicker about American football team allegiances and pigs in a blanket.
Barcelona Expats - International BCN
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Aug 29, 2019
People with a Backround of Migration with Fraser
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Season 3, Episode 3. Folks, we've got our first New Zealand expat in Germany on the show!
Having lived in England during the Brexit vote, Fraser became keenly aware of how some foreigners are referred to as expats while others are immigrants. Expats are often seen in a positive light whereas immigrants are too often seen negatively. Not so coincidentally, "immigrants" are often people of color.
We dig into this topic, including considering the German phrase "Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund," or "people with a background of migration." While more politically correct, the phrase is bulky and challenging for German learners. Is this a pattern in German integration practices: well intentioned, technically good, but still clunky and not user friendly? We discuss!
The GrünGürtel in Frankfurt
LGBT sports club in Frankfurt: FVV
LGBT Meetup in Frankfurt via Meetup.com
On Instagram @fraseralfred
On Twitter @fraseralfred
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Moving Back "Home" with Lindsey from The ExpatRepat Podcast
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Season 3, Episode 2. "Expat" is short for expatriation, or living in a country other than one's native country, and "repat" is short for repatriation, or living back in one's native country after living abroad. Put them together, and you get Expat Repat, the name of Lindsey McLean's podcast.
Lindsey herself is a repat, living back in the USA after years of life abroad in Switzerland. In the years since she's moved back, she's struggled but succeeded at building a life that she's happy with. We dive deeper into Lindsey's story - how she moved abroad, why she loved the life she built in Zurich, Switzerland, and what made her decide to move back to the US and leave her fairy tale Swiss live behind.
Her podcast The Expat Repat Podcast
Her blog Swiss Lark
On Instagram @SwissLark
Instagram @theexpatcast
Twitter @theexpatcast